Adult Ministries
“We need friends. Friends guide us, care for us, confront us in love, console us in times of pain.... The more we are able to recieve the different gifts our friends have to give us, the more we are able to offer our own unique but limited gifts. Thus, friendships create a beautiful tapestry of love. ”
There are a number of ways we nurture faith among adults. There are unique needs and strengths in faith formation for each stage of life. We try to be attentive to various needs through a number of opportunities throughout the year. These include things such as: Sunday School, Bible Studies, Discipleship Groups, Book Studies, MOPS, and more.
Serving Together
At Dayspring, opportunities abound to exercise your unique gifts and strengthen our community. Doing simple work together and for one another is an important part of our community life and personal journeys of faith. Joyfully offering gifts of time, talent and humble service makes a difference in the experience we share and that we offer.