“As followers of Jesus, we support each person’s spiritual journey in a diverse and changing world.”
We come together as grace-oriented believers, centered in the historic Christian faith. We work to know and care about one another across the generations and offer worship to God in a thoughtful way.
Open in Heart and Mind
Christianity is not simply a set of doctrines to memorize, but a way of being and becoming. It is a journey of transformation. At Dayspring we offer various ministries and opportunities to encourage a healthy journey of becoming like Christ. We are the kind of place where it’s safe to ask questions, struggle with faith, and embrace mystery. Simultaneously, we are confessional as a community. We believe faith needs to connect to deepest parts of our being, transforming us at the center.
Through our life together we seek to engage both our hearts and minds in the pursuit of knowing God and becoming like Christ. If you’re interested in reading more about this, read a recent sermon on “Open in Heart and Mind” from a series on “Who We Are.”
Worship is Central
At Dayspring we have chosen to do a few things well. Primarily, we are intentional about offering worship that is healing and empowering so that we can, in turn, go and live in the world as empowered, compassionate followers of Christ. Our worship is thoughtful and creative.
We seek to actively connect with the St. Louis community and the world in ways that are helpful, meaningful, and compassionate. We are a church that is actively working to cultivate people who are being transformed into the likeness of Christ and in turn are helping the world be transformed. This is our definition of what it means to be a Missional Church. It’s our hope that each of us are becoming the presence of Christ wherever we are.
We are an intergenerational church. Wherever you look there are kids and adults, teenagers and seniors, all mixing together to form one community. These relationships across generational lines nurture our faith as we draw encouragement, life, and wisdom from one another. We are a church that loves to play, eat, minister, and worship side by side.
Baptist & Ecumenical
We are a Baptist church. As such we believe in historic Baptist principles such as: believer’s baptism, the priesthood of believers, the sacredness of scripture, separation of church and state, freedom of conscience, and autonomy of the local church.
We are also a church that appreciates the value of the larger Church tradition and incorporates both traditions and worship elements from the earliest centuries of the Church. As a result, many of our members come from various backgrounds including Mainline Protestant, Catholic, and Free Church traditions. They have found Dayspring to be both familiar and a breath of fresh air.
Mission Statement
As followers of Jesus, we support each person’s spiritual journey in a diverse and changing world.
Vision Statement
Reaching people, Changing lives, and Inspiring faith by enacting God’s inclusive love.
We are prayerful, hopeful, nurturing and trusting. We aspire to be fully diverse, growing, open and purposeful.
Identity Statement
Dayspring is rooted in the Christian faith as expressed in the historic freedoms of the Baptist tradition. We also believe that there are a myriad of ways to understand and interpret these traditions. We honor each person’s spiritual journey and beliefs.