A Poetry Reading with Isaiah
/By Chris Fillingham
A sermon on Isaiah 9:2-7
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A reflection on this week's sermon.
Last Sunday Chris talked about the various stories we are living and how some of those stories might be in competition with Christ’s story, preventing Christ’s story from living out through you. Isaiah’s poem in Chapter 9 is a declaration that God is with us and is passionately pursuing us, not only in the “universal” story but in each “particular” story. Regardless of the current narrative you are living, God’s “divine dance” is always seeking you as a participant, asking to enter into each of our personal stories of desperation, be it loneliness, fear or rejection. Richard Rohr states in his book The Devine Dance, “we have God as the Ultimate Participant – in everything-both the good and the painful”. Know that our individual stories, no matter what that narrative might look like now, will one day be woven into God’s greater story of redemption.